Omega 3 To 6 Fatty Acids Test

Why are omega 3 and 6 fatty acids essential for human function? The answer is simple–cell membrane flexibility. Every cell has a cell membrane and when a cell’s membrane is rigid, it does not function well because nutrients can get in and out of the cell effectively. If it is flexible, the chemicals and nutrients that run our bodies can move in and out of cells efficiently. The chemicals that run our bodies are hormones, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fats, antioxidants, and without them, we would be dead. The right ratios of omega 3 to 6 consequently are making our cells healthier, since the materials they need to function are available. When our cells work well, the tissues made of cells work well. When tissues work well, the whole system works well and ultimately leads to the overall improved health of the entire person’s biochemistry.
So how do omega fatty acids work on the heart and why are they healthy for our cardiovascular health among other things? Well, when there are enough omega-3 fatty acids available through either diet and/or supplementation, they will be absorbed into our heart cells making the heart cell membranes flexible and strong. Consequently, the heart and arteries are stronger, and therefore the entire cardiovascular system benefits.  In fact, in the same way that omega-3 fats make cell membranes more flexible, the dangerous trans fats do the exact opposite – they are absorbed into the cell membranes making them stiff and unable to do their job. Just as stiff joints are unhealthy, stiff arteries are too. Since cell membranes are an integral part of every tissue in the body, the level of omega-3 to 6 fatty acids a person consumes can affect just about everything from the following list below.

What are Omega 3 Fatty Acids so Important

Omega 3 fatty acids are nutrients absolutely necessary for human health. Since our bodies cannot synthesize omega 3 fatty acids, it is essential that we obtain them from supplementation or specific foods, hence why they are called essential fatty acids. Now, if you are going to supplement with omega fatty acids it is even more important that you get them from a reputable “NSF” certified supplement source or otherwise known as pharmaceutical grade supplements. Without an NSF approval, there is no way to guarantee the quality, purity, efficacy, or safety of a supplement you might be taking. Typically rancid omegas you will burp them and have an aftertaste or rotten fish. You can read more about the importance of supplements in our “pharmaceutical supplements”  holistic services menu.

What are Omega 3 Fatty Acids so Important

Omega 3 fatty acids are nutrients absolutely necessary for human health. Since our bodies cannot synthesize omega 3 fatty acids, it is essential that we obtain them from supplementation or specific foods, hence why they are called essential fatty acids. Now, if you are going to supplement with omega fatty acids it is even more important that you get them from a reputable “NSF” certified supplement source or otherwise known as pharmaceutical grade supplements. Without an NSF approval, there is no way to guarantee the quality, purity, efficacy, or safety of a supplement you might be taking. Typically rancid omegas you will burp them and have an aftertaste or rotten fish. You can read more about the importance of supplements in our “pharmaceutical supplements”  holistic services menu.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Depression – How are They Linked

About 60% of our brain and nerves are composed of fats, and it is well documented that poor fatty acid status contributes to both the incidence and severity of depression. There are two major omega 3 fatty acids – DHA and EPA.EPA and DHA are the most predominant omega-3 fatty acids in our brains and consequently, the most biologically relevant when it comes to mental health. For example, high DHA concentrations enhance serotonin.  Serotonin is a feel-good hormone that gives a sense of well-being. Conditions such as impaired mental focus, disturbed sleep patterns, and other common depressive symptoms often respond well to fatty acid supplementation. The ratio of omega-3 to 6 fatty acids is equally important. Studies show that the more severe the depression, the higher the omega 6 to 3 ratio typically is. Inversely the more effective omega 3 fatty acid supplementation can be. So if you are suffering from depression we strongly suggest you consider getting tested in our Miami, Florida office. This vital blood test can identify your omega 3 to 6 ratios, and DHA to EPA ratios.

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Dependent Upon Your Test Results, Our Doctor Will Make a Specific Recommended Dose For You

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