Blue Light Blocking Glasses For Optimal Sleep & Eye Health

Are you having difficulty sleeping? Are you suffering from insomnia, restless sleep, feeling fatigued, or gaining unexpected weight? We understand!

MHIs founders suffered from some of these issues for years, until now. But first, it’s important to understand and identify WHY this is happening?

From Cause To Cure: The Science Behind Your Challenges

Blue light from electronics like your TV, smart phone, computer, and the like, tricks your brain into thinking it is daytime! This inhibits both the production and the release of your main “sleeping hormone”- Melatonin. In addition, every time the blue light hits your eyes it disrupts everything from your synaptic pathways, dopaminergic pathways, and messes up your optic nerve in your eye.

This results in not only reducing your ability to fall asleep, but more importantly, significantly hindering the quality of your restorative sleep, specifically your deep sleep, and REM sleep.

Not getting enough quality sleep has been shown to cause many adverse health effects including (but not limited to) weight gain, depression, anxiety, anhedonia, substance abuse, and an increased risk or severity of long-term diseases or conditions, such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

Regarding weight loss and sleep, a study showed that controlled subjects who, on average, only got 5 hours of sleep vs. a group who got 8 hours of sleep, after an 8-week study, the subjects who got 8 hours of sleep, lost 55% more body fat than when they slept 5 hours a day. Another study showed that getting 7-8 hours of sleep vs. 6 hours led to a 26% reduction in visceral fat.

The research shows it is also bad for our eyes. Studies have linked blue light to blurry vision, eyestrain, dry eyes, macular degeneration, and cataracts.

Studies On Blue Light Harmful Effects

How blue light exposure inhibits melatonin release and its production, weight gain, insomnia, and a big contributor to why kids can’t sleep these days.

How blue light exposure may lead to age-related macular eye degeneration.

Poor sleep leads to a 55% increase in body fat.

Types Of Blue Light Blocking Glasses


Blocks 90% blue light spectrum


Blocks 100% of the blue & 50% of the green light


Blocks 100% of the blue & 100% of the green light

The results across the board are consistent with showing that exposure to blue light wavelengths of light had a greater impact on suppressing melatonin (by up to 81% in one study), both in terms of percentage & duration of suppression. Below is the study

Benefits Blue/Green Blocking Lenses

Dangers Of Chronic Blue/Green Light Exposure

In addition to the glasses, we recommend switching out ALL your home light bulbs to these melotonin friendly bulbs. These light bulbs help prevent disruption to our natural diurnal wake and sleep cycles. These bulbs will further improve your serotonin and melatonin secretion via circadian and diurnal rhythm optimization.

Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. Diurnal rhythm is a biological rhythm synchronized with the day/night cycle.

Our Trusted Brand Recommendations

Based on the research and the legitimacy of the lenses’ efficacy in reducing the spectrum of blue/green light exposure, our preferred trusted brand is the following below.

Instructions On Use

Put on the orange nighttime lenses once the sun has set & 2 hours before bedtime, put on the red lenses. 

To maximize your natural melatonin production, swap out your bedroom light bulbs for blue-blocking lightbulbs.

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