Functional Fertility
Here are a couple of short clips from our interview with NY Times Best Selling Author and Reproductive Health Specialist Dr. Shana Swan
Infertility issues can cause emotional pressures, stress, and anxiety that can affect the dynamic of the relationship between partners. Using evidenced-based strategies, together with individualized coaching and support, we create an environment for high success and enjoyment in what can otherwise be perceived as a stressful and complicated process.
Furthermore, the parallel crisis of declining testosterone levels in young men has prompted many to explore solutions such as Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Naturally, concerns often arise regarding the potential impact of testosterone therapy on future fertility. However, it’s crucial to understand that the belief that testosterone therapy will permanently hinder future fatherhood is patently inaccurate.
This area of wellness has also been one to hit close to home. Both our founders were diagnosed with hypogonadism in their early 30’s, and faced the issue of fertility many years after starting TRT. After years of research, collaborations, and strategic protocols, they both managed to achieve a full recovery, restoring both to normal and healthy fertility.
Here are a couple short clips from our interview with University of Miami’s chief of reproductive urology Dr. Ramasamy
Our functional fertility programs provide patients with a personalized strategy using effective and evidenced-based protocols. Combining years of experience and cutting-edge science, we have achieved high success rates at only a fraction of the cost of standard IVF methods. These individualized treatment plans, together with compassionate care and support, cultivates an environment that promotes high success rates together with an enjoyable experience despite the complexities.