Pharmaceutical Supplements
It is estimated that humans would have to eat about 25 lbs of fruits and vegetables per day to maximize our daily requirement of essential micro-nutrients. If you are eating organically grown fruits and vegetables from rich fertile soil, which is non-existent today, you may not need supplements. However, much of today’s soil is nutritionally deficient, and many people have suboptimal diets, that exhibit some micro-nutrient deficiency. Evidence-based research shows that most people gain invaluable health benefits from enhancing their diet with highly qualified pharmaceutical grade vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, herbs, and beneficial microorganisms like probiotics.
Here Are A Couple Of Reasons Why We Ought To Be Taking Supplements
Today’s commercial agriculture techniques leave soil deficient in essential minerals, causing the food grown to share the same mineral & vitamin deficiencies. Today, most foods are shipped long distances and are stored for long periods of time, which causes the depletion of vitamins and minerals in foods. That is why most produce is kept in cold, dark spaces to slow the process of photosynthesis.
Overuse of pharmaceutical drugs also negatively impacts nutritional status. Many medications deplete essential nutrients, making people more vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, increasing levels of environmental pollution in our air, water, and food supply are causing our bodies to use up more nutrients than normal in order to detoxify and eliminate harmful substances. To add insult to injury we contribute to our modern nutritional deficiencies through erratic eating habits, insufficient chewing of foods, and chronic stress.
Are The Chemicals Being Sprayed On Our Food Safe?
NO. The fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides that are sprayed on crops have a massive impact on our immune system and DNA. Fruits and vegetables are being genetically bred to improve their visual appeal and crop yields, sacrificing their inherent nutritional value. The FDA regulates how much of a particular chemical can be used in food production but does not limit how many chemicals can be used at once. That is like a physician prescribing 10 different medications at once without having any backed up evidence or knowing how these drugs will interact with each other. Furthermore, there is not enough evidenced-based research to determine if the chemicals being used on our food supply today are safe for human consumption. If anything, in the past 50 years, we have seen an epidemic increase in diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Autism, ADD/ADHD, and many other chronic metabolic, neurological, and gastrointestinal disorders that could most likely be traced back to our food supply.
How Do I Know Or Ensure That My Supplements Are From A Reputable And Trustworthy Source?
It is critical to ensure that your supplement manufacturer meets the cGMP (current good manufacturing practice) standards. The majority of supplements today are not certified nor approved by the FDA, meaning at any time, anyone can jump into the billion dollar industry to profit a quick buck out of it. This is frightening because the consumer has no way of knowing what is actually being put into their supplements.
NSF certifications is what a reputable supplement manufacturer seeks to ensure for supplements to be trustworthy. If they are not NSF certified, most manufacturers use binders, fillers, and excipients to decrease their cost and boost profit margins. They may also contain heavy metals, GMO materials, solvent residues, and microbial and environmental contaminants. It’s discouraging, but the truth is that most supplement manufacturers are not concerned with the health of hard-working Americans, and are more concerned with their personal profits and interest.
NSF International is a product inspection, testing, and certification organization that provides in-depth third-party audits to company manufacturers or suppliers to assess compliance with the international cGMP regulations and expectations. Reputable manufacturers seek to meet the standards of public health consumer protection in order to get recognized as a “trust-worthy” supplement manufacturer. To meet cGMP certifications, a manufacturer must undergo ongoing audits by independent third-party organizations, like NSF. NSF certifications are very expensive, and exposes everything about the supplement’s values and ingredients being used, this is why most nutritional supplement manufacturers do not meet these incredibly high standards. Your health is way too important not to insist that the supplements you are taking, or would like to take, have the purity, quality, and strength needed to be effective and most of all safe for the consumer.
How Could I Maximize My Results By Taking Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements?
For optimal results, first, we have the patient do our Micronutrient blood test to identify exactly what nutritional deficiencies they have, and in what precise doses to take the necessary supplements. Without testing for individual nutritional deficiencies, which everyone has, it is impossible to treat the patient’s exact unique necessities. You can find more information on this blood test in our website service menu under the icon “Micronutrient Deficiency Test”. Click here to be redirected.
We are here to help you perform at your optimal best so that you can face all your personal challenges in your top mental and peak physical state. Here are a few guidelines that will help to optimize your supplement absorption.
1. Safety
With our tailored vitamin protocols, we take into account potential interactions with pharmaceuticals. For safety, always discuss any changes in your supplement regimen with our physician. Do not combine Medical Health Institute nutraceuticals with supplements you get from any other source. With us, your customized supplement regimen is designed to provide all of the nutritional support you need throughout your journey.
2. Timing
For optimal absorption supplements, are ought to be consumed in divided doses throughout the day. If you miss taking a dose on a given day or at a given time, under any circumstance do not “double up” on the dose. Just start back up the next day. Take supplements at least two hours before or after you take pharmaceutical medications. In some cases, if requested by your surgeon, stop taking supplements seven days before a scheduled surgery. Nevertheless, we design each patients supplement regimen to fit their busy schedules and unique necessities.
3. Maximizing Effectiveness
Most supplements are best taken with food because fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E, and K need fat in order to absorbed into our blood. Stomach discomfort is the most common side effect of taking supplements. If you experience this matter, be sure to have a meal with each dose, which usually is no more than three times a day. If the above suggestions do not help, contact our office to set up a phone or face to face consultation with one of our health nutrition specialist. If you need to stop your supplement regimen, please make sure to notify us. Keep in mind that our supplements programs in combination with a well-balanced diet, and physical exercise will maximize your immune, metabolic, and neurological function.
Caution With Purchasing These Supplements
Unfortunately, some of these pharmaceutical supplements are found online, which presents a huge problem. If they are not coming directly from the pharmaceutical company itself or prescribed by a doctor’s office, you are running many risks. The most common of these risks is getting supplements that have been exposed to high heat. As a result, the temperature damages the nutritional components of the pharmaceutical supplements, or worse, they are expired or have been tampered with.
Our supplement are doctor prescribed and shipped directly from the manufacturer to the patient. Don’t be fooled by anyone selling these online.