Whether high, normal, or low levels of thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s, euthyroid, hypothyroidism), most patients complain of hypothyroidism-like symptoms more than any other type of thyroid problems. Hypothyroidism is commonly under-diagnosed and under-treated. Conventional doctors believe that even though a patient shows clear signs and symptoms of an abnormal functioning thyroid-stimulating hormone, also known as TSH, they refuse to treat the unpleasant symptoms the patient may be experiencing. If the hormone levels are within the so-called conventional “normal boundaries” of laboratory reference ranges, they will not dare to prescribe thyroid hormone therapy to the patient. It is unfortunate because thyroid hormone replacement therapy can help you benefit from most of these diseases including diabetes, depression, obesity, mitochondrial dysfunction, temperature issues, metabolic diseases, cell senescence, depression, and neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Our hormone expert physicians know otherwise because they don’t want a patient’s levels to be just within the “normal reference range”, they want their hormone levels to be optimal. Another point to take into consideration is that our doctors treat the patient and not the labs. Most doctors get stuck reading blood references and end up treating a laboratory exam, but don’t take into consideration the patient’s clear signs and symptoms of a poor functioning thyroid. This is a pervasive issue that is going on within the conventional medical community and we see it all the time.
In addition, it is merely impossible to make an accurate diagnosis on a patient just obtaining TSH values. To have a valid overview of a patient’s thyroid function, the physician must test for thyroid-stimulating hormone, free T3, reverse T3, free T4, thyroid peroxidase, thyroid antibodies, and in some cases iodine. They are all interrelated and provide a complete reading on what’s actually going on within the patient’s current thyroid health status. Depending on the complete reading of these biomarkers, our doctors will determine if thyroid hormone replacement therapy is necessary for you to administer. One of our specialized physicians will monitor the administration of this thyroid treatment through your ongoing feedback in conjunction with blood work analysis. We repeat this process until signs and symptoms have subsided and restore optimal balance in the patient’s initial unpleasant complaints.
Common Signs & Symptoms Of Thyroid Deficiency In Men & Women
- Foods To Avoid List.
- Easy To Understand Color-coded Test Report.
- Comprehensive “understanding Your Alcat Test Results” Guidebook.
- Personalized Rotation Plan.
Our male and female patients report an improvement in any or all of these areas with our personalized thyroid treatments over time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Thyroid-stimulating hormone is what stimulates the thyroid gland to make T4 and T3. T4 is a pre-courser hormone, usually having minimal hormonal effects by itself. T3 is the bio-active form of thyroid hormone that provides patients relief from the signs and symptoms of a poor function thyroid.
Malnutrition, old age, inflammation, systemic illness, and a prolonged increase in cortisol levels. Some medications that may also affect thyroid function are glucocorticoids, amiodarone, beta-blockers, and synthetic progestins.
After performing an extensive laboratory thyroid analysis we would consider treating the patient with a small dose of thyroid medication. It is essential to consider symptoms, not just lab values.